Friday, June 26, 2009

Stardust: a feeling or impression of romance, magic, or ethereality

Also the title of a 2007 Paramount movie staring Claire Danes with Michelle Pfeiffer, Robert De Niro, Sienna Miller and Charlie Cox.

it all started with "Stardust" the movie... (However, I think there was a bit o' magic involved as well)...

A friend had told me about the movie Stardust, she thought it was a really good movie, and one that I would enjoy. She said it was filled with magic, myth and legend... Since the movie was released in 2007, I knew I could get it through my local library. When I checked the online database, they did have a copy, but because it was still a popular enough movie, it was not currently available for checkout. So I decided to put the movie on hold, and wait for its arrival. In the mean time, there was a behind the scenes book related to the movie available to check out... and it was in the pages of this book, that I was bitten by the desire to be a part of a movie.

The book was called " Stardust: The Visual Companion " and it was all about the filming and conception of ideas behind the movie. including set design, costumes and character development... I was fascinated by all that went into the making of the movie. Even before seeing the movie, I was enthralled by the process of making a movie... I was indeed "hooked"

One of the most intriguing features of the book was the chapter that covered the costume development. The movie was set in the 1800's, so the designer worked to keep both a period feel for the authenticity, but then also added a surreal fantasy twist to them... I remember looking at the designs, and the final costume telling my Friend: "I should have been and actor, I would love to dress up in all these cool costumes"...

Two days later she came to me and asked "What are you doing next Saturday?" She then went on to tell me that there was to be an open casting call for movie extras for the new Johnny Depp movie "Public Enemies" She said YOU HAVE to GO...

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